Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Classroom Prayer

Eternal and ever loving Father,
I offer you everything I do this day:
my work, my prayers, my play, all my thoughts,
my time with family and friends,
my hours of study and of relaxation,
my difficulties, problems, distresses,
which I shall try to bear with patience.

Join these, my gifts, to the unique offering
which Jesus Christ, your Son, renews daily through his Body and Blood.

Grant, I pray, that guided by the Holy Spirit
and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
my life this day may be of service to you,
and to all you send into my life,
so that we can continue to respond with love
to the mystery of your call,
to be your special people. Amen.

Leader: Heart of Jesus burning with love for us
Response: Enflame our hearts with love for you.

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